Tuesday 26 June 2007

TWAG - The War Against Gastropods

The courgette plants are looking quite a sorry state at the moment as, despite my best efforts, have been all but devoured by slugs. I am hoping that they will recover, although this has put their growth back by quite a bit there is still *some* green above ground.

I have a plan however! Currently the plants are being protected by rings of coins or eggshells. The coins are proving to be a far superior deterrent. Thus I have taken the decision to purchase something a little more permanent in the form of slug rings. These are basically rings of copper that will repel even the most persistant of slug or snail without harming them or poisoning the soil, or any other wildlife, which also means it's child friendly too! Hopefully they will arrive tomorrow so I can reduce my nightly partrols and slug flinging activities!

In other good news everything in the greenhouse is still alive and growing, although I need to plant things on very soon, unless I want the smallest carrots and spring onions in the world!

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